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- History of changes for
- Extended Batch Language Version 3
- 1. Version 3.01a
- Initial release.
- 2. Version 3.01b
- Fixed bug that caused some text in the prompts for READ
- or INKEY commands to print smiley face characters.
- 3. Version 3.02a
- * Fixed bug if a "call" to a second batch file was
- made using the command "BAT SHELL BAT /R
- Second.BAT" and external functions were ALSO used.
- The bug caused a system hang.
- * Changed the algorithm that looked up the keywords
- to improve execution speed.
- * Fixed bug so that pressing break will properly
- reset the CALL-RETURN pointer for batch file
- subroutines when terminated.
- * Protected the functions 72,7A,7B,7C,7D so that they
- cannot be used by user extensions if the transient
- EBL is not in memory. All will return AX=-1 if EBL
- is not in memory. If OK, it will always return
- AH=0.
- * The IF,THEN,ELSE commands can have CALL-RETURN
- commands between them and the status of the IF be
- saved and restored properly.
- * If a CLS command is followed immediately by a READ
- command with a prompt, the cursor position will now
- be correct.
- * Changed spacing of parameter line within SHELL
- command to exactly match what DOS creates. Some
- programs may be sensitive to this and failed
- previously.
- 4. Version 3.03a
- * Fixed all READ and PARSE commands so that contents
- read will not be altered by any external function
- packages that are loaded.
- * External function names must now be from 3 to 15
- letters long. EBL will not call external functions
- with names too short or long. Exceptions are
- functions (like the extended variables) with names
- starting with "&" (ampersand).
- * The PARSE command will now allow an empty token to
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- History of changes for
- Extended Batch Language Version 3
- be parsed. No error will be reported and the
- resulting variables will be made empty.
- * Quoted string mode will be effectively disabled
- (/Q- option) during any READ or PARSE command. This
- will allow entry of strings contain quotes, even
- partial ones.
- * Further optimized command recognition to make EBL
- even faster.
- 5. Version 3.04a
- * Fixed bug that caused some standard ASCII text
- strings to be recognized as color attributes within
- a BEGTYPE menu.
- * Added "RESUME x" command. This can be put within an
- -on.error- handler to resume at a specific line
- number, resume at the line in error, or resume at
- the line after the error (the default). As an
- example of each, respectively:
- - RESUME 49 (goes to line 50
- (always n+1))
- - RESUME ( %L - 1 ) (goes to the line
- having the error)
- - RESUME (goes to the line
- after the one in error)
- This command actually does a SKIP %L from the front
- of the batch file in order to implement the default
- RESUME command. Since %L will contain the line
- number in error when the error occurs, this will
- always go to the line after the error.
- * The STATEOF command correctly find file names that
- include paths to sub-directories. However note, the
- [drive.list] option will be ignored if paths are
- provided within the file name.
- * Additional commands with BATFUNC1 now include MKDIR
- and RMDIR as well as the original CHDIR.
- * Using SKIP to go past other GOTO commands will now
- always count lines properly. Bug only occurred if
- the GOTO was executed at least twice before and the
- destination label was 3 characters long! (very
- rare)
- * Ending a BEGTYPE or BEGSTACK command without an END
- will not cause this command to spill into raw
- memory.
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- History of changes for
- Extended Batch Language Version 3
- 6. Version 3.05a
- * If a CALL with parameters was immediately followed
- by a BEGSTACK command, the data was put into the
- stack backwards. This bug has been fixed.
- * INKEY command always returns letters A to Z in
- upper case as in previous versions of EBL and as
- specified in the current Version 3 EBL manual.
- * The differences between the IBM standard BIOS
- interface and the unique QuadRAM BIOS interface for
- the QuadRam EGA Plus have been identified. EBL has
- accommodated the unique non-standard requirements
- of QuadRam and should now work with their EGA plus
- display adapter.
- * Unary minus within a greater or less than
- comparison did not always yield the proper results.
- This bug has been fixed.
- * The contents of data being accepted by READ or
- PARSE commands will no longer be affected if it
- happens to match the name of an external variable.
- Likewise, if the contents of a DOS or Global
- variable contains data that happens to be the name
- of an external variable, it will also no longer be
- altered.
- * The PARSE command's initial token value can now
- also be an external variable, not just a constant
- or DOS or Global variable.
- * If a line was printed with a single semicolon at
- the end, no carriage return is added. This is
- correct. If two semicolons are at the end however,
- both are printed. This is incorrect and has been
- changed so that only one semicolon is printed
- without any trailing carriage return.
- * Within BATXV, in the case where a variable was set
- equal to itself like &VAR = &VAR, then the contents
- was converted to upper case. This bug has been
- fixed. The contents will remain unchanged in this
- instance now.
- * Error #19 "Out of memory for DOS variables" did not
- not stop batch file execution nor return the proper
- error code in the %R variable. This bug has been
- fixed.
- * Removed fix #1 on 3.03a release. READ and PARSE
- commands WILL use external functions now if
- referred to directly within the batch file itself.
- If a variable contains data identical to an
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- History of changes for
- Extended Batch Language Version 3
- external function name, then the external function
- WILL NOT be used.
- * Within BATXV, the single character "&" was
- recognized as a variable name. As a result, if a
- prompt after the READ or INKEY commands contained
- just a "&", then an error could result. This has
- been fixed.
- * Within BATXV, this program can now be loaded (made
- resident) before Extended Batch Language without
- error.
- * Within all external functions, added the version
- number to the program ID so that the WHATFUNC()
- function can not only tell which programs are
- loaded, but it can be used to identify the version
- that is running.
- * Added SEEK() command as an internal function. Refer
- to description in the README file or else where.
- * Fixed the READ and READ.PARSED commands so that the
- '|' (vertical bar) character can be read
- correctly.
- * Fixed an occasional GOTO error. If a variable label
- was used like GOTO -%0 and the text contained a
- partially quoted string like "text, then a
- mismatched quote error occasionally occurred during
- the GOTO.
- * Fixed an occasional CALL error. If a label was
- three characters and was immediately followed by
- the interstatement delimiter '|', then the
- remainder of the line was used as an operand to the
- CALL and was put on the stack. If the line had be
- executed previously, this (improper) operand would
- cause the keyboard to hang for a short period
- because of the special flags inserted into lines to
- speed up GOTO and CALL commands.
- * Updated rules for calling external functions during
- expression evaluation for improved performance.
- Arithmetic operators are now not allowed to be
- substituted by any external function. Furthermore,
- external functions must start with a letter ("A" or
- higher), and external variables must start with a
- special character (less than "A").
- * The variable lookup algorithm within BATXV has been
- improved. Performance may be up to 4 times
- better!
- * Comments did not ignore the entire line if an
- interstatement separator was used "|". This has
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- History of changes for
- Extended Batch Language Version 3
- been corrected.
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